Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Koh Phi Phi

We've been having a wonderful time in Koh Phi Phi, enjoying the sun and warm water (so much nicer than San Diego)! Yesterday we spent the entire day snorkeling all around the islands (there are about 4 popular ones in a cluster). It was really fun, but there were a lot of people and a lot of boats. Also, the coral recently died due to the ocean temperature increasing (it's unknown if it's due to global warming or just a weather trend). We saw a lot of beautiful fish though!

But today absolutely made up for the lack of coral! We found a friendly Canadian diver working for one of the many diving companies on the island (there are dozens of diving companies setup around here!) and went out with his diving group today for a "discover scuba diving" course where we covered 5 basic safety tips and completed two 45 min - 1 hour dives. The dives were amazing! We picked the perfect day for it too, it rained most of the day but underwater it didn't matter :) There was colourful coral today and many more fish from yesterday. We also got to swim with a few sea turtles... well we did the swimming while they sat on the bottom and ate coral ;)

We've pretty much completed all of the big acitivities on Koh Phi Phi now and are excited to get out of the crowds for our last couple of days. So tomorrow we will likely be heading to Koh Lanta, a more intimate and relaxing island. Maybe we'll finally get a Thai massage before heading home.

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